Hormones often confound us. They seem confusing . . . mysterious . . . even malevolent at times.

These powerful chemicals ride our bloodstream. They rule many of our cells’ activities. And imbalanced hormones certainly make us feel out of whack.

Unfortunately there’s plenty of misinformation about these chemicals. At times these myths have had tragic consequences like the wave of endometrial cancer that followed estrogen replacement therapy.

As women who are taking control of our health, we need information that helps us make good decisions. And Dr. Sellman’s excellent new edition of her passionate, insightful and well-researched book, Hormone Heresy: What Women MUST Know About Their Hormones provides this.

As Dr. Sellman explains, menopause doesn’t have to hit us like a Mack truck. And there are gentler and healthier ways to manage this transition that beat treatments like Hormone Replacement Therapy by a million miles.

In fact as a Pomegranate Health customer, you have a lot more insight into satisfying approaches to menopause than most women facing this challenge. And because you’ve chosen a way to work with your body’s natural transition . . . you’re actually a hormone heretic like Dr. Sellman!

So we’d like to ask you to help us spread the word about menopause management alternatives and Pomegranate Health.

And in exchange, we’d love to give you a free copy of Dr. Sellman’s new book.

Here’s how you can help (You’ve got at least five different ways to do this):

  1. Make a YouTube video;
  2. Write on your Facebook page;
  3. Create a post for your blog;
  4. Tweet 7 times;
  5. Start a discussion thread on your favorite women’s health forum.

All we ask is that you do the following:

I. Make the topic: The Hormonal Imbalance of Menopause: How (I’m Mastering/I Mastered) It Successfully

II. Include a reference to Pomegranate Health and a link to our home page (www.pomegranatehealth.com).

III. When you’ve done this – send us the links to where we can find your menopause-maven heresy-spreading activities – and then we’ll send you a copy of Dr. Sellman’s book ($19.95 value) in our appreciation for your efforts.

Let’s get the word out!

Just so you know, we’re only giving out 10 copies of her book with this event. So let us know asap once you’ve helped us spread the word.

4 Responses to “ Join the Hormone Heretics – Spread The Heresy ”

  1. Women need to be educated about estrogens. There are so many being used in cosmetics creams which is dangerous to our health. Reading labels on all products is a must for our health.

  2. I am looking forward to receiving your book.

  3. Teresa Krats says:

    Thanks so much for this wonderful, useful information

  4. Florie Freshman says:

    my mother, a holocaust survivor, died at age 54 from estrogen replacement therapy. i am grateful for Dr. sellman’s book, and was previously impressed with a book used in her research,”Our Stolen Future” by Colborn,Dumanowski and Myers, blowing the whistle on the hormone toxicity. I am known as ‘the hormone detective’ and in the 34 yrs since my mother’s demise, i was able to convince about 7 ladies to get off the hormones. Chinese herbology, as mentioned in sellman’s bbok, helps rinse out the gluey residue hormones leave in the body.

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